An Apology

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An Apology

Post by MikeK » Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:41 am

I just wanted to take a minute to say I'm sorry for being a dick the past week or two. I'm human, and things get to me from time to time and I shouldn't let it affect others here. I'll try not to let it happen again.

To keep it short and sweet, two PSAs:

1) I deleted the vote I put the other night. If you didn't see it, it doesn't affect you, don't worry. If you did and you responded, your posts are gone forever, but I remember what was said. I started the thread and it was a stupid thing to put up, so I took it down. Needless to say, things will continue as normal.

2) As for new members. Carry on, do what you do. Sorry if I was singling you out (Harris et. al.) but like I say, I had something in my head I should have let go.

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Re: An Apology

Post by Harris » Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:06 am

You don't owe me an apology, I came into this from a certain perspective/arrogance, so I kinda deserved it, but I appreciate it. I was once a brief member of the old telemark tips. It was a mean place to be. One had to approach it steeled to take on the trolls. You couldn't say a thing without someone attacking it. This is a far better place, and I'm glad for that. In the end if I had my way there would be telemark festivals everywhere, and folks would meet to ski routinely, find community, get along and glean knowledge from each other. But that is not how it is so we have this. We are aficionados of a very fringe sport, increasingly so.

There is a sign on one of the two person chairs I ride that says something to the effect, "pair up, meet a stranger and be social." It isn't an easy thing to do, even when there is a crowd behind you. It is far easier to bury the earbuds in deeper, rock on and take the single chair. The funny thing is when pressed and forced out of my shell I never met a stranger I regretted sitting next to.

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