Sure looked like they had a blast though and were humble enough to show some wipeouts. I like the recovery on 5:36. good think not to hit anything solid on a head roll like that!lowangle al wrote: ↑Mon Feb 15, 2021 7:40 amThat was a nice video with some good skiing but like all of the light gear videos from Japan they're skiing good conditions. Old tele movies from the past, before plastic boots, show people busting through crust and skiing more extreme and variable terrain. Even with the good conditions in the video some faceplants were made.
So one of two things, when conditions get bad they either switch to heavier gear or wait for things to get better. Or maybe they don't post videos from crappy, humbling days.
Aren't all the new 2025 panorama m78/m68/m62s sporting the shorter version the old Karhu Omnitrak (Good setuo on the Karhu XCD GTs)
With the M62 having a higher more Nordic camber.
I think the older 2020/21 M62 had a more alpine camber and Intelligrip Transition Skin and no scales. At that time I think the M62 was the widest in the Panorama line.
Also noted the newer Panoramas M62s are made in China. Note sure if the earlier version was.
It is alway harder to see in detail the patterned bases on dark bottom layer skis on vendors pictures. The M62 is no exception.
This video shows the OmniGrip base at the right angles with the right light. As well it appears the metal edges don't wrap around the tips.
The M78s in video I believe are bending more towards the Alpine camber than the M62s that I believe are leaning towards the Nordic camber.
I am surprised that the new ones didn't also include kicker skin slot as well as they appear to use a shorter version of the Omnitrak over the much longer Karhu version. You would be stuck to a full skin.
I never attempted to stick a skin to fish scales and wonder how they stay stuck.
Wow I forgot how heavy the old XCDs are compared to the newer light skis such as the e99 xtralites. Guess that was normal lugging that extra weight back in the 80s and they didn't bounce around as much as the lighter new skis.