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Re: FrankenTele???

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 7:37 am
by Woodserson
jarlybart wrote:
Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:17 am
Ant01ne wrote:
Wed Oct 21, 2015 11:41 am
youtube : keyword "frankentele telemark binding"

shouldnt be called "franken" but "next gen tele bindings"
At the time, FrankenTele made the most sense to my little brain. I had a bunch of fun playing with the idea and I can almost blame Mitch for it(Mitch's Bitch for life). I never took it too seriously but no question put some energy into it because I want to ensure it was safe and skied correctly. The G3 Onyx was the game-changer in that whole thing. I will post two of the videos below to show the progression but there are more on Youtube. I just wish the Frenchies would have given the FrankenTele a nod when they took the idea and made it their own...but what could you expect from Frenchies? ;-)

First ever video...if you have been around long enough, you have likely already seen this:

Year 3 with the new binding set-up:
So what are you skiing now?

Re: FrankenTele???

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:19 am
by jarlybart
Honestly, just skiing regular Telemark gear without the heel. I had a ton of fun playing with the idea but reality is, I am a telemark skier. If I am locking my heel down, it's for a demo, trying to teach my son something new or when snowboarding...otherwise I am only freeheel skiing. I keep thinking about playing around with other ideas but life is busy and up until this year, I have not had the time to play with it since 2010. All is well and having tons of fun!