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Re: Sbounds...leathers

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:58 am
by greatgt
Everything looks rounded and soft....Lots of shadows and very quiet except for trees with a crack explosion as the cold settles.....What a winter so far....Not much snow but the cold.....Been a few years of such lows....Teleking had 33 below last week and a bunch of 20+ below all around....Yesterday was below o skiing but it was pretty good....Scored some nice rounded arcs and then went into a whip snapping frenzy....Hand clipping, up on Tele knob, in the Kingdom.....Teleking and Telekid hit Little Mountain and are getting nice powder up there....Ski up then a thousand verts of small tree filled bowls and big openings.....TM

Re: Sbounds...leathers

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2022 5:55 am
by greatgt
Enjoyed a very lazy day up at TK2...(Telecamp 2)....Decent skiing but not as much snow as up in the Highlands....Telekid and Telewood were cutting it up on their biggest boards and ancient I wimply, skied down ....Oh well! TM

Re: Sbounds...leathers

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:21 am
by greatgt
Skied Tele-knob and it was good....Lots of snow up there and everything is waiting for more snow....With the base we have and @ 8 inches of powder on top everything looks rounded and ready....And the KTB are getting it....TM

Re: Sbounds...leathers

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 8:15 am
by fisheater
Sounds like Teleknob is prime right now. With the cold weather it should ski really good as long as the weather lasts. I have cold and snow in Michigan, and will be close to home and skiing this weekend.

Re: Sbounds...leathers

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 12:11 pm
by greatgt
FE even low snow year is not bad.....Should be out getting some but am taking a day off....Will hit the Highlands because it just almost always has decent amounts of snow....While hand clipping yesterday had a good time looking at Telekid's tracks....That Kid can Telemark! old to be good but still living and doing the turn....TM

Re: Sbounds...leathers

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 6:19 am
by greatgt
Good powder up in the highlands and easy to ski.....Trip in was good....There is a xnowshoer who cruises well into the nowhere and does us a service....He sets his snowshoe track next the ski track.....makes for a better entry....Thanks!.....Teleking showed up as i was doing some easy laid back turns in a forest of moderate Hardwoods...Here and there are the gigantic relics that loggers left as seed trees or so says some.....Teleking departed and headed down an old steep and fast logging trail.... I skied down a hardwood ridge(moderate)....Very soft skiing...Mostly grey and @ 20o.....That gigantic storm down along the coast....Man!......Hope to get 3-4 inches in the Highlands in the year of COLD and very little snow.....TM

Re: Sbounds...leathers

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 7:24 am
by greatgt
Tele-tale....So telekid was on his own and hit the Highlands....Howling winds from the night before were winding down and the Northeast side of a small knob was plastered with powder....After s couple up and down he thought that Little Mountain would be Dynomite......So fifteen miles later he headed up and made the up track better for this oldie....Things started changing fast in the below 0 snow.....At the top were wind blasted big snow drifts....Next to the drifts ice crust.....Wind packed snow everywhere.....the kind that skis go under and you need a crowbar to get them out....He headed to the Northeast fields....(300 foot drop with rounded ancient tree troughs that are choked with powder.....But they were wind packed making that zone dangerous.....So he figures that Wind gap might have some unpacked powder in a three hundred large U shaped moderate to steep zone.....Right!.....past the Vortex.....past John's drop.....into turnable powder to wind hardened when he told me did I chuckle......Oh yeah! TM

Re: Sbounds...leathers

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:26 am
by fisheater
They’re all good tales when you come through it healthy enough to laugh and drink beer to properly tell such tales!

Re: Sbounds...leathers

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 5:41 am
by greatgt
Set a trail yesterday up on Teleknob.....Mostly hand grabbing then ripping off whips....Bout two years from now that will pay off....the down on about 12 t0 20 inches is pretty good.....Weather people are getting our hopes up but will see....Finding with the new 109's they really like speed and then they come around easily but if your careful not so much....Being light it's not a problem just a slight irritation. up there it's tight here and there so you have to be on the stick!.....Teleking who has been exposed to covid is skiing the other side of the Gap...Bout a three mile run.....Been thinking of Mikes "Old Growth" tread on Ron's site and getting itchy to head down to the High Hill wet area to look in on some very old Cedars that the loggers left....Used to be a Moose stomping area.....Ski in, head out, and a couple days later cruise back.....Moose had demolished the trail.....Sun today and will take the same trail TKing was on yesterday....Figure Fisheater woudl like this one.....TM

Re: Sbounds...leathers

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2022 5:54 am
by greatgt
Headed with my wife to a CC area that is groomed and free....Pretty decent but what got me going was the E99....had not paid much attention to them for a bit but when on them and doing a long- rounded powder turn couldn't figure why I haven't been on them for a while.....Will correct that today....Gotta get some wood in before the storm buries it!...TM