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Telemark Bindings Snapped

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:32 am
by skiskiski
I was putting putting my skis on last Sunday morning and my Targa Ascent bindings snapped. I live in China and there's nowhere I know of to bring them in. Is this something I can fix myself? It seems in theory I could open up the metal piece and put a new coord through.

You can see a picture here:

Any suggestions or ideas highly appreciated!

Re: Telemark Bindings Snapped

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:27 am
by Raventele
Replace with these..
Best binding ever for bigger/big tele..
If you lose a cable, you can just ski the pins until
you order and get new cables..more powerful than
the binding you have there..And they tour far better.. ... 7AodfHMAEw

Re: Telemark Bindings Snapped

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 12:36 pm
by dschane
Dude, you sound like a Voile salesman. I love Voile too but someone could offer the guy very basic advice . . .

To the OP, yes, that's an easy repair. From your pic., it looks like you need to replace the front cable, which will cost you about $20:

You'll have to remove the broken end from the spring cartridge, which may be easy. If not, you can always replace the cartridge too.

Re: Telemark Bindings Snapped

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:14 pm
by Raventele
first it's the cables..then the cartridges.. next the boots? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Telemark Bindings Snapped

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:39 am
by skiskiski
dschane wrote: To the OP, yes, that's an easy repair. From your pic., it looks like you need to replace the front cable, which will cost you about $20:

You'll have to remove the broken end from the spring cartridge, which may be easy. If not, you can always replace the cartridge too.
Great! I've skied my whole life but just picked up the telemarks last year, so I'm still something of a equipment newb. Figured there was a way to fix these. There's a slight chance I'll be able to order this stuff from a store here...otherwise I'll just get em shipped from Vancouver.

Cheers thanks!