What powers your skis?

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Re: What powers your skis?

Post by Raventele » Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:18 pm

I do not "oppose" wolves..they are amazing animals and without them, whence dogs ???
Pigs will indeed go wild and survive as will cats.. Cows as we know them? I have my doubts..
Suppose you could get all of your food needs without slaughtering millions of animals , what then would the justification be ? The satisfaction of taste buds ? -- You and I can, of course.

Hunting ? Something of a joke in terms of survival in this day and age in the Western World..
But if you must slaughter, please do it with as very little pain as possible Mike
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Re: What powers your skis?

Post by MikeK » Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:27 pm

Raventele wrote:I do not "oppose" wolves..they are amazing animals and without them, whence dogs ???
Pigs will indeed go wild and survive as will cats.. Cows as we know them? I have my doubts..
Suppose you could get all of your food needs without slaughtering millions of animals , what then would the justification be ? The satisfaction of taste buds ? -- You and I can, of course.
Yes pigs will go wild. But if they won't always go right away. They will freeze if they don't know how to shelter themselves. And it does happen to cattle quite often.

If I could get all my protein and fat from plants I'd still eat meat. I see them as equal. And it may be that I was brought up raising animals for eggs, milk and meat that I don't have an issue with it. I don't see it any different as cutting down trees and picking fruit in an orchard. All sorts of species support my survival, and I'm glad that they do.

My sister grew up on the same farm as me. She went vegan. I think I know why but she still wouldn't eat farm raised animals or their products anymore.

Nothing wrong with being vegan in my mind, I just don't want it to be forced upon me.

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Re: What powers your skis?

Post by Raventele » Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:33 pm

Proteins, amino acids.. Not really about that is it ?
Take taste out of the equation and see where we are then :lol: :lol:
Some friends and cousins, big hunters..Their kids won't touch the stuff..
All folks should revere the animals they kill and consume in the manner of some Native Americans ..
"Everyone is helpful, everyone is kind, on the road to Shambala"


Re: What powers your skis?

Post by MikeK » Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:38 pm

I also have a friend who is a pescetarian. I don't quite get it but it's her choice.

So Ron, are you admitting that meat tastes good? And why might our brains be programmed to think that way?

I typically only eat meat once a day if at all. I try to eat a somewhat healthy amount. A wise man once told me, everything in moderation.


Re: What powers your skis?

Post by MikeK » Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:41 pm

As far as the hunters, I'm with you there. I have a lot of respect for the native people and how they processed animals.

I don't hunt myself, I have no need. But if I were to live a more primitive life, I would. I also grew up with that and ate wild game.

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Re: What powers your skis?

Post by Raventele » Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:42 pm

I think I know no human who does not like some meat..though liver is certainly not high on the list ..
It's evolution..
It's my understanding that very few humans find human meat desirable -- the starving being somewhat excepted, perhaps.. :lol:
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Re: What powers your skis?

Post by Raventele » Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:48 pm

So when we finally encounter a species much more advanced and intellectually capable than we..then we should be ok with being slaughtered and consumed ?
Deer , cattle, elk, piggies, chickens etc cling to life with no less fear of the loss than others..it seems
"Everyone is helpful, everyone is kind, on the road to Shambala"


Re: What powers your skis?

Post by MikeK » Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:43 pm

Raventele wrote:So when we finally encounter a species much more advanced and intellectually capable than we..then we should be ok with being slaughtered and consumed ?
Deer , cattle, elk, piggies, chickens etc cling to life with no less fear of the loss than others..it seems
Of course not. Those that would fight for their independence and brave the wild would not. If you chose to calmly take your food and shelter from your overlords, you might just be a sheep being led to slaughter.

Cannibalism is special case of carnivores. Not many partake in this. It's perhaps an evolutionary trait that came about to promote the species rather than the individual.

I've come to find that most any part of an animal is good to eat or use for some other purpose, provided you know how to use it. This is where the natives were masters.

Even old world Europeans are better than Americans. I have some Hungarian friends who can make the most unappetizing parts of a pig very delicious. I learn not to even ask what I'm eating, just eat it!

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Re: What powers your skis?

Post by Teleman » Sat Nov 22, 2014 9:33 pm

Man has been around for a million years? How long have they eaten meat?....Part of our old brain....Telesven raises chickens, pigs, goats, ducks....They raise almost all their food.....Big gardens....He hunts too...Best burghers ever were Moose burghers with beacon....onions....peppers....ketchup.....To each his own....TM


Re: What powers your skis?

Post by MikeK » Sat Nov 22, 2014 10:06 pm

I'd love to raise my own food. Pigs, chickens, a cow. Garden. Orchard. Maple syrup (Johnny you can live on that and moonshine ;) ;) ). Oh and bees. We never had hives, but they are a must for your garden and orchard.

Hard to do and work in the big city. Maybe some day I'll go back. Don't know what I'd do for work, but I wouldn't have to buy much food. I think my Dad made less than 10k a year back in those days. We always had food though.

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