How Many Pairs of Skis Per Tin/Can/45g Kick Wax?

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How Many Pairs of Skis Per Tin/Can/45g Kick Wax?

Post by DoggParadox » Thu Jan 27, 2022 10:43 pm

Maybe this isn't cool for telemark (it's really more an "in the tracks" question) but this forum seems super knowledgeable.

I'm curious how many pairs of skis you can wax with a 45g tin of kick wax.

I assume it depends a bit on the wax thickness, number of layers and size of your kick zone but wondering if anyone has a ballpark number.

You can assume 3 layers per ski for consistency if that helps.

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Re: How Many Pairs of Skis Per Tin/Can/45g Kick Wax?

Post by Musk Ox » Fri Jan 28, 2022 1:54 am

In the cupboard we have a ziploc plastic bag full of old tins with stubs and almost unusable nubs of different colours and brands so I'm inclined to say "They last forever".

Getting out into the hills even five times a week you won't get through a whole tin of anything in a single season, if skins play a part in what you do. Or I wouldn't, anyway. You need to draw on a few different ones as conditions change.

I think you would have to be blessed with super stable conditions and a real routine I suppose. But a single skier would need months of the same weather, the same snow and the same route to squash a single can in a single season. Judging by my habits at least.

EDIT: although if you use Polar on the whole ski as my dear colleague @fisheater points out below, you will definitely get through a tin!

I imagine it's different for training track skiers doing 30km laps before breakfast!

Sorry not to be more helpful... it's a very inexact science at best. Spring snow is harder on wax than powder, crust is harder than fat wet snow, conditions change, terrain changes, the times change...
Last edited by Musk Ox on Fri Jan 28, 2022 10:56 am, edited 15 times in total.

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Re: How Many Pairs of Skis Per Tin/Can/45g Kick Wax?

Post by Stephen » Fri Jan 28, 2022 2:13 am

This sounds like one of those crazy math problems from sixth grade!

Two trains leave a station at the same time, one east and the other west. The eastbound train travels at 95mph. The westbound train travels at 85mph.
How long will it take for the two trains to be 396 miles apart?

I’ll start working on the wax problem and be back to you after 2,000 miles or so.

Or, if one had a very accurate scale, one could weigh the tin, wax the skis once, weigh the tin, find the difference, and divide 45 g by the amount used to find the answer.

But, like @Musk Ox said, the answer might be

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Re: How Many Pairs of Skis Per Tin/Can/45g Kick Wax?

Post by fisheater » Fri Jan 28, 2022 8:33 am

I have another non-answer, answer. However I do believe @Musk Ox is on the right track. I need to order my kick wax, as where I live in Michigan our snow culture is the snowmobile. I was ordering kick wax from a northern Michigan store, but I have found another in Minnesota with a much larger selection.
Getting back on point, in this year’s order to have one spare tin this season for all the waxes I use, I had to order one tube of klister. However I did order two more tins of different waxes, and two more tubes of different klisters to try out!
If you keep an extra tube of klister in stock, you can easily go through a tube of klister in a season. I also could go through a tin of polar white that I use for a base wax on all my skis. My Tindan 86 uses quite a bit!
Let us know if any of this helps!

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