Great stuff, all--thanks. And, Al, I did laugh!
Foot volume has always mystified me when I'm asked. How would I know? There's no store Brannock for it. Till recently it's just been the seller's eyeball notion. What I can search up is to measure from heel-at-floor to heel-at-floor. If # = foot length, normal volume. Will try this. But grilling of guy who I paid $$ for orthotics yielded "about normal," so my best judgement so far. I know I do have a heel that needs a good heel pocket, and toes that spread & want some width. These sound like low volume issues.
I do have platform spacers--bontex and foam. I imagine a break-in period using them, but thinner at the heel to preserve heel pocket.
Tom M, man, that's a great system. I was going to say I don't own these boots yet so don't need to fix them, but usually the
crease forms the instant you try them on, walk and genuflect. And in a store, where I will get them, likely someone else already has done this. So I am definitely going straight to your training vise.
The Mink Oil goes where you WANT the
crease, right? To soften and allow? In the day, leather was either "chrome tanned" or "oil tanned." Chrome tanned got no oil but wax (Snowseal). Ancient history? I do have a strong aversion to proprietary woo-woo alchemy. If they can't tell me precisely what's in the recommendation and whyfor, I get surly. Urges to whip up a naphtha & paraffin brew.