Manney, and similar…

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Re: Manney, and similar…

Post by Lhartley » Tue May 16, 2023 11:35 pm

Stephen wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 11:05 pm
Capercaillie wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 10:42 pm
Stephen wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 6:28 pm
Now that I re-read that post it seems very obvious that AI could have generated it.
I wonder if this would be AI randomly wandering around the Internet joining and posting, or directed to do so by an actual human being? Not that it matters…
That particular post looks distinctly like something that would be generated by ChatGPT if you ask it to summarize bauerb's original post. What gives it away is that the bullet point summary has nothing to do with off-season training.

The cool new thing to do among a certain group of enthusiasts is to see how many people you can fool with AI generated content. It's someone trolling this forum. Possibly it is a trial run for automating disguised spam comments like what happened in this other post: ... ess#p58747

It might not be all bad. Note how ChatGPT is far more polite and coherent than Manney/GrimSurfer.
This is like looking at one of those "What's different between these two pictures? things.
Just take an existing post, ad a link for your product, and voila, the money rolls in!

On the one hand, it's easy to think a site mod should cull these users.
On the other hand, who would want to waste their time doing that?
I mean, Facebook, with their billions, can't even keep the Russian's from trying to influence elections...

AI isn't going to kill us, just drown us in our own poo...
I'm Canadian and don't interpret 'Merican news that well, but pretty sure the Durham report yesterday would indicate Facebook would be better off wasting billions elsewhere

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Re: Manney, and similar…

Post by DropKneeDiehard » Wed May 17, 2023 7:43 am

Has the famous Nurse Ben of old Telemark Tips fame had a second coming???
Modus Operandi so similar.

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Re: Manney, and similar…

Post by mca80 » Wed May 17, 2023 1:35 pm

Stephen wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 11:05 pm
I mean, Facebook, with their billions, can't even keep the Russian's from trying to influence elections...

AI isn't going to kill us, just drown us in our own poo...
These were both jokes, right?

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Re: Manney, and similar…

Post by Lhartley » Wed May 17, 2023 7:45 pm

It's like my parents, they still see the world as a happy fluffy place where governments and corporations aren't out to tax your ass and shake you down at every turn, artificial intelligence and social media is mean alterior motives

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Re: Manney, and similar…

Post by Yonderville » Thu May 18, 2023 4:10 am

The problem here is pretty clear: the discussion has reached new lows and nobody with any power is willing to do anything about it. Johnnys first diatribe had so many words but said so little and took essentially no stand. The way he flipped on Al later was bizarre. He made a charade of making things seem okay as they were then just dove into the shit.

I understand that the laissez faire desire is there, but it isn’t working. Johnny calls this at least entertaining, and it is. But it is in the worst way possible; the new-age, train-wreck, real housewives style. The kind I would assume Johnny outwardly abhors.

If this is the case we should have the option to delete our profiles. Put the ultimate decision in the hands of the users without a gatekeeper. Ya know, laissez faire.

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Re: Manney, and similar…

Post by Manney » Thu May 18, 2023 7:15 am

Yonderville wrote:
Thu May 18, 2023 4:10 am
The problem here is pretty clear: the discussion has reached new lows
LOL. New lows? Just ppl workin stuff out… (this one is from 6 years ago)
connyro wrote:Mike, chill out. For christ's sake, now your calling members assholes and telling them to fuck themselves because you don't agree with or like them? I honestly thought you were an OK guy before this absurd episode.
“MikeK” wrote:I might take you more serious if you didn't have a rampant track record of jumping on those who were down, coming in at opportune times to dogpile on others, hiding behind a fake name and proxy, and most of all being a childish little baby and resorting to calling someone a beginner when you couldn't convince them of your way. Well, I can be that way too. And I'm not a mod now, so you can't even throw that in my face.

I thought you were a dick since my first encounter with you. You've been OK here and there, but mostly, when the table turns, you're the first to resort to the bullshit. I wanted to ban you years ago. I wanted to ban you when Ron was banned. But I kept cool and gave you a chance. You showed your true colors with Woodserson and I've been waiting for it to come out again. I hope everyone who has some decency on this forum (and there are a lot) see you for what you are. Maybe you'll get the hint and just leave. I hope. Maybe Johnny will ban you in the future, but I doubt it. You deserved it long ago and didn't get it. ... uck#p17910

OK, not all people. Some of them going through existential crises and starting a thread to put it on display.
Stephen wrote:
Thu May 11, 2023 4:26 pm
Sorry, but this is getting to be more than I can handle.
Go Ski

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