NYS ski trail maps

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Re: NYS ski trail maps

Post by Woodserson » Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:03 pm

MikeK wrote:]
PS Woodserson, what is your choice of ski for Adirondacks touring? Just out of curiosity from your other post.
I never XC toured in the ADKs, I was AT at the time. Now, with way things that they are and me on the XC scene, I would be hard pressed to not bring my Madshus woodies, because they are so smooth and wonderful. They are somewhere around 67-58-61, 210cm. So what kind of equivalent? I guess the E99's come pretty close! This would be for Jackrabbit trail style touring, lowland, valley floors, wetlands, etc. Anything else with more up and down would be a different ski, I think, like my S-78s.


Re: NYS ski trail maps

Post by MikeK » Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:23 am

The Jackrabbit is hillier than you might think. I've never skied the woodies but I'd probably prefer the S-78 for that trail.

You'd do well with those skis I think. I'm wondering how well you might be able to handle some of the more technical terrain with a long, wooden ski - at one time people did, but maybe they would have skied a shorter ski for the stuff I'm thinking of.

I think that sometimes people underestimate how challenging that stuff can be despite not having the vertical and steepness of some other stuff. I find it much easier to ski more grade over smoother terrain than vice-versa. But if you have 4' of base, sometimes that isn't an issue.

At any rate I find it nice to have a short, fat pair of ski, even if I'm not purely just climbing and descending.

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Re: NYS ski trail maps

Post by Woodserson » Wed Mar 04, 2015 12:53 pm

I've hiked most of the two out of three primary segments of the Jackrabbit, end-to-end, and am familiar with the terrain-- Saranac Lake to Lake Placid, and Lake Placid to Keene, minus the Lake Placid to neighborhood stuff. Never walked Paul Smiths to Saranac, did most of my canoeing there instead. I think the woodies should be fine with nice snow conditions, and if I'm wrong and it's an icy bobsled tunnel of doom, I can always go back to the car and get the S78's! Probably not this winter though, seeing how scheduling is beginning to turn out, but oh wells...


Re: NYS ski trail maps

Post by MikeK » Wed Mar 04, 2015 6:15 pm

I'm sure you could make it with your woodies but the section from Saranac to LP is almost all climbing or descending. For me it's more fun with a XCD type ski - but I really don't know much about woodies. Depends on the snow and how much traffic it's had - could be slow and deep, or hard and fast...

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