Re: Sbounds...leathers
1o in the Village and 20o up in the Hills. When in the Sun and out of the winds a pleasure. When not, not! In the forest all was quiet with a dull roar where the winds were hitting but not where I was. Cruised some hardwood zones and each had its own magic. Felt so good just cruising with a soft turn here and there. Will hit the Sauna tonight, some pool and then tomorrow a good cruise again. TM
Re: Sbounds...leathers
Headed out to Dead Moose Pond, cruising. Broke here and there up to a gap with ledges and small cliffs on the North side. On the other side was a semi steep ridge with many openings between trees. 4-5 inches of powder on a crust that at times makes you aware that it could come apart. The e99s were excellent on the way up with 32-degree red wax. Double camber was working to perfection. Pushed off and the skis got to fast almost instantly which made for a survival turn then regulating the contours wicked fast tiny, tracked turns. You could go down anything with even low angle a blast. Thrilling really. Saw some Fischer tracks and a bounder with round 3–4-inch tracks. Coyote also but the forest was very quiet. Cruise back down was enhanced with those 99s. Everything with those on my lightest leather boots and Rotta three pins made for wonderful skiing. No doubt it's addicting, and I am an addict! TM
Re: Sbounds...leathers
Yesterday was an early ski in the AM. Just a workout and breaking branches off whips making for easier in and out. Bout a mile out I guess, and it was cool. First below zero ski of the year and it was good. Sun is getting stronger, and its power was evident when hitting my face. Telekid was heading in as I left, and he found stashes of powder in gullies and North faces. TM
Re: Sbounds...leathers
Two days ago just before the rain hit Teleknob. 4-6 inches of pow on breakable crushable base. Bout 20-24 inches of base. and it was good. Easy rounded arcs and nothing but powder on the afore said slope. Felt great and hope Telekid gets out there after work. Think Teleking was up there today with a different base and one inch of dust. TM
Re: Sbounds...leathers
Good base yesterday with a wet surface. Skied over Dead Moose Pond and the skis didn't surface well on the water over the base. About two miles in camp was waterlogged with the tarp leaking and snow melting. We drifted down and some decent turns were had on a slow surface. Good workout and the Hardwoods were shimmering. TM
Re: Sbounds...leathers
Pathetic! Me! Had a few brews up on Little Mountain, boys were out ripping up the 5-7 inches of snow that kept skis on top but could be turned on easily. Teleking Telekid and Telewoods were destroying alll the snow as I had another brew. When I pulled out, I was baaad. I mean like a beginner. Poor turns, snow all chewed out. Pathetic! When I got to Boot's Camp my legs were twitching and I had a hard time standing up. Wimp! Soon will try to renegotiate my lameness and rip some shots up in the Highlands. Glued my trusty e 109's the older style and plan on having decent arcs and with the glue on the delaminating top sheet hope to not destroy them for the last time. Off I go....TM
Re: Sbounds...leathers
Wicked powder up in the Highlands with more powder than my feeble brain could imagine. Got to my retirement telemark zone and had some of the best powder skiing of the season. Both Teleking and Telekid raved about it and it was good. My little zone has sharp or rounded short shots with runouts ..Dooooo ittt, repeat. Ski up and do that sweet looking shot. Zebra zone up there with full sun and trees making for zillions of shadows and trees with droplets of ice shimmering. Forgot Sunday and did many shots with sweet feeling arcs. Good morning and will probably hit the Sugar House tomorrow and see if we have any sap. TM
- fisheater
- Posts: 2737
- Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 8:06 pm
- Location: Oakland County, MI
- Ski style: All my own, and age doesn't help
- Favorite Skis: Gamme 54, Falketind 62, I hope to add a third soon
- Favorite boots: Alpina Alaska, Alico Ski March
- Occupation: Construction Manager
Re: Sbounds...leathers
Glad to hear the good report!
Re: Sbounds...leathers
It gets better Fisheater. Putting down the road from the hills I got some feeling something wasn't right. Finally looked up my windshield and couldn't see any skis. Pulled over and my ski rack was wobbling all around in the wind sans skis. Bummer!. Not the first time! One ski was wedged somehow horizontal to the parallel and I clicked that in ahd headed back up the road. Where I saw a truck and two guys picking the ski off the road. they handed it back to me and I thanked them. These are my go-to ski now the older version of the Fischer 109. They are beat and more so now, but they really sing in the gonz. Will use them again today and see where I end up. TM
- fisheater
- Posts: 2737
- Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 8:06 pm
- Location: Oakland County, MI
- Ski style: All my own, and age doesn't help
- Favorite Skis: Gamme 54, Falketind 62, I hope to add a third soon
- Favorite boots: Alpina Alaska, Alico Ski March
- Occupation: Construction Manager
Re: Sbounds...leathers
Glad to hear you got them back. I hope this weird weather works well for you in the sugar house!