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This is the World Famous TelemarkTalk / TelemarkTips / Telemark Francais Forum, by far the most dynamic telemark and backcountry skiing discussion board on the world wide web since 1998. East, West, North, South, Canada, US or Europe, Backcountry or not.
This is the World Famous TelemarkTalk / TelemarkTips Forum, by far the most dynamic telemark and backcountry skiing discussion board on the world wide web. We have fun here, come on in and be a part of it.
Once she actually skied [the Excursions] her thoughts changed and now I can't wrestle them away from her. They really do tend to more of the XCD/middle ground/K&G+turns type range of boot. There are strict rules around here about calling that a XCD boot, but it's really in more of a class of it's own.
This is exactly in line with of all that I've read. And if MEC would have had them (and in the same ball park price) I would have gotten them. Indeed I do have my eye on a pair from Poubelleduski but I haven't been able to get a price from them yet. They seem to be more of a walk in type of store. We'll see.
On the other hand I can get a very slightly used pair of T4s 29 for much cheaper.
If you find the 29 T4s too big, you can take up volume in the boot with a good footbed.
This is more or less what I'm thinking. Talk about over thinking a purchase, eh
Also I know you're excited to ski - but waiting until next year might be your best bet.
Could you go rent a pair of of T2's from a resort just to try them? Any hills near you with Tele gear?
Footbed is a cheap solution but it doesn't always work. If the issues are in length or width it doesn't always do a great job of taking those up - it's better at adjusting instep volume/arch issues.
If you get those cheap T4s you might as well do as Ben suggested earlier and get a moldable liner. If you get the proper size liner for the shell it will surely be the best fit you can get.