Boot sizing - don't forget the instep!

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Re: Boot sizing - don't forget the instep!

Post by ddg » Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:02 pm

Once she actually skied [the Excursions] her thoughts changed and now I can't wrestle them away from her. They really do tend to more of the XCD/middle ground/K&G+turns type range of boot. There are strict rules around here about calling that a XCD boot, but it's really in more of a class of it's own.
This is exactly in line with of all that I've read. And if MEC would have had them (and in the same ball park price) I would have gotten them. Indeed I do have my eye on a pair from Poubelleduski but I haven't been able to get a price from them yet. They seem to be more of a walk in type of store. We'll see.

On the other hand I can get a very slightly used pair of T4s 29 for much cheaper. :)
If you find the 29 T4s too big, you can take up volume in the boot with a good footbed.
This is more or less what I'm thinking. Talk about over thinking a purchase, eh :?:


Re: Boot sizing - don't forget the instep!

Post by MikeK » Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:14 pm

Also I know you're excited to ski - but waiting until next year might be your best bet.

Could you go rent a pair of of T2's from a resort just to try them? Any hills near you with Tele gear?

Footbed is a cheap solution but it doesn't always work. If the issues are in length or width it doesn't always do a great job of taking those up - it's better at adjusting instep volume/arch issues.

If you get those cheap T4s you might as well do as Ben suggested earlier and get a moldable liner. If you get the proper size liner for the shell it will surely be the best fit you can get.

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