Voile Objective BC... I think I love you

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Re: Voile Objective BC... I think I love you

Post by 12gaugesage » Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:55 pm

Thanks for the perspectives on nnnbc on wider skis guys. And yes I know Johnny is n nnnbc ninja😊..... Im just not quite there yet.

It always goes back to the boots. I still say there is a gap to be filled, between the AK/BCX/ALFA nnnbc and the T4, maybe xplore will fill it, maybe practice, skill and technique will. I thought the svartisen was the ticket, and if it didnt chew up my feet, perhaps it would have been.

That being said Im gonna pick up a magnum at ems tomorrow and mount up my 98.
Ive never tried nnnbc on a "turny" ski, I have to know. Might be a good, efficient, playful setup for the right terrain and conditions. Sometimes the t4s on a wider ski are a bit much, but skinnier skis arent enough.
Nordic by nature
Shut up hippie

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