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Re: Help Me Learn How to Turn...

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 1:06 pm
by Petetheswede
I feel that skiing down really gentle slopes is a nice way to learn. Steep enough to give you speed but mellow enough that you actually dont have to turn. That way you can just feel the snow and the edges of the skis without associated terror. Stop when you feel like. Do small turns when you feel like. Kick and glide for a bit if the speed dies. Turn when you dont have to! Also, in some snow you can turn really good. I could tele turn early in 10cm powder over dense base whereas crusty snow is much more difficult (thats where a ridicilously flat slope comes handy...

And finally i would like to state as the advocate of the less than bold; small half turns that actually dont do much to decrease speed om pathetic slopes can be a means in itself because its very nice!

Re: Help Me Learn How to Turn...

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2022 11:32 pm
by Krummholz
YT feed me this randomly. I only wish I could understand what the heck he is saying.

Re: Help Me Learn How to Turn...

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 3:36 pm
by Krummholz
I think this is part 2

I tried watching these videos and using Google Translation, Norwegian to English, from an IPad to my phone. Pretty hilarious.