I've struggled with this jig for three years, mounted more than a dozen skis with it, and found a way to make it work by holding the plastic insert firmly against my chest, blah blah blah with lots of double checking and more complicated techniques, but today after successfully mounting my Ingstad WL I went to mount my Green Mans and something wandered about half a millimeter WHICH MAY SEEM INCONSEQUENTIAL until you notice that the binding is pointing off in some other direction when multiplied over the length of a 200cm ski and the tail of binding is clearly hanging off one side.
So now I have holes in a ski and I'm going to have to fill them and redrill. Unfortunately they are exactly where I want the binding (I went with -1cm BP) and so now I'm going to have to puzzle out a new location because drilling new holes will be so close to the old one that the screws or the drill bit will just find their way back to the original holes. Unless I use marine epoxy, but that could crack when driving a new screw unless I time it perfectly and get to redrill when it's hard enough to not let the bit into the old hole and yet soft enough to accept the new screw. I'm just rambling now.
Avoid this jig at all costs, look for the older metal ones. My Voile jig does great double duty with the NNN-BC but only if the ski is wide enough, the new Voile Jig doesn't fit the 54mm waisted ski anymore (duh).