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Mountain Race 46 - the red one

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 11:03 pm
by athabascae

I want to pull the trigger on the Asnes Mountain Race 46 this week! I have been looking at the mountain race/touring series for far too long, and this is shaping up to be a fantastic snow year where I live. I'm sold.

Lots of love here for the MR48 and MT51. However, I can't seem to find any info on the Mountain Race 46 - the black and red ones, like my Alaskans.

What gives? No one here using these skis? Too skinny (54-46-50)? No love for the full metal edges compared to the 3/4 on the MR48 and MT51? Did I miss a thread on them here?

I'm open to the MR48 and MT51 waxable (with mohair kicker skins) as well, but currently focused on the MR46. I would like to hear others thoughts about their niche, or how they may compare with the MR48 or MT51.

For me, these would be a 50/50 track and off-track ski. The tracks I ski are not professionally groomed like a nordic centre, and more tight and twisty. These skis are to replace my Bonna Conquests (60-50-55, I have both 200 and 210 cm) as my go to ski. I love my Bonnas, but they are ~30 years old, and I would like to get a more modern pair with kicker skins. I would likely ski these 75% of the time, and the rest largely on my Asnes Ingstads (84-62-74, not the Nordic Rocker version) and Asnes Rago (67-54-62) for deeper, unconsolidated snow or more vertical. They would also replace my Fisher classic race skis for track skiing.

I would mount them with NNN BC (likely not magnums) and use my Alpina Traverse boots for groomed tracks and snowmobile trails, and Alaskans for more off-trail days.

Asnes says 200 cm for my height and weight (6'0, 190 lbs), and I do like that length on tight(ish) forest trails, but not so much on lakes. If I was honest, I'd also use these to ski on snowmobile tracks a fair bit, which are a primary way to access the mountains or connect lakes and ponds. In the bush I like 200 but on lakes and snowmobile trails I prefer 210, so I am torn.

Anyway, anyone using the MR46 or thoughts on them? How do they ski? What context and conditions folks are using them for?

Sorry for the essay. Thanks for your time.


Re: Mountain Race 46 - the red one

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 2:25 pm
by Woodserson
When I see 50/50 I think MR48, because softer tips and possible a little bit of tip splay, could help with turning too and smoothing over the bumps.

The MR46 is probably stiffer in the tips and a real charger for speed!

It's a wild card, no one has pulled the trigger.


Re: Mountain Race 46 - the red one

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:51 pm
by athabascae
Thanks Woodserson. I appreciate your thoughts.

Would love to hear what others think about the MR46 versus the MR48 or MT51 for my intended use.

I am agonizing over 200 versus 210, but I know I'll adjust to whichever I get. Too bad the MR46 or MR48 do not come in 205 like the MT51, I think 205 may be my glass slipper.


Re: Mountain Race 46 - the red one

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 2:39 am
by Stephen
On length, I imagine you have already asked the question, but:
Do you want to feel the magic on straighter stretches, or feel more in control when you have to maneuver?
I would tend to ski more open terrain, and choose the XC magic, rather than snowshoe maneuverability (maybe that’s a little harsh...).
No judgement / no right answer.

Re: Mountain Race 46 - the red one

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:10 pm
by athabascae
Thanks. I know there are pros and cons. I also know that I could be happy with either length for different reasons. Asnes has me near the top end of the 200 cm range. Which does say something to me about the intended design parameters.

Even though I will need to get them online, hopefully I can get the shop folks to pick either a comparatively "firm" 200 or a "softer" 210.

Re: Mountain Race 46 - the red one

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:11 pm
by athabascae
Anyone try the Fischer Powerlite (51-46-49) or Madshus M44 Fjelltech (54-44-49)?

I'm thinking they MAY be similar in purpose/niche to the Mountain Race 46 (54-46-50).

I'm trying to see how others use these really narrow, metal-edged "cross-over" skis, while I consider if I should go this route as opposed to the Mountain Race 48 (60-48-53), which is a much more familiar size class.



Re: Mountain Race 46 - the red one

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:50 am
by Musk Ox
athabascae wrote:
Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:10 pm
Asnes has me near the top end of the 200 cm range. Which does say something to me about the intended design parameters.
For what it's worth, I'm right at the top of the 190 cm range for the Åsnes MR skis by weight and I do regret not getting the 200 a bit. With a backpack on I totally squish my 190s. The length increments for the MR skis don't do me any favours, absent a 195 or the sense to fly on the 200s. I'm in love with them, but I think Åsnes might want to clarify their sizing advice here a wee bit, to be honest.
athabascae wrote:
Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:10 pm
Would love to hear what others think about the MR46 versus the MR48 or MT51 for my intended use.
I don't know about the The Red One, but I've used both of the others. If you're on lakes a lot and you like to skate, I suspect the MR 46 might be ridiculously fun and I think you should buy them immediately. Because you can do that a bit on the MR 48 too, even on prepared trails. The MT 51 is more fun coming downhill and on lumpy/ icy/ refrozen shite. The MR 48 is definitely called 'Race' for a reason. Both are surprisingly good off trail in the right conditions (I don't think the MR 48 is the best choice in the world for steep climbs in deep snow, but they have literally been to the North Pole).

Re: Mountain Race 46 - the red one

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:41 am
by Leo Tasker
Regarding the sizing charts, I think it's more important to go off weight rather than height, also make sure the weight you're going off is you, in all your ski gear (boots too), with your backpack on. I've made the mistake of going shorter and regretted it. Turning a longer ski takes a little bit more effort, but skiing on a ski that's too short is literally a drag and sucks the fun out! Don't forget that most skis will also often a bit over time. Narrow metal edge skis are great, more control on downhills and when herringboning on icy slopes, plus they will be much more damage resistant.

Re: Mountain Race 46 - the red one

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 5:34 pm
by lilcliffy
Wonderful to hear from you again!

MR46- wow- looks fast and rock-solid! GET IT! And tell us all about it!

Length? Stiff solid, narrow, cambered BC-XC ski with grip-kick wax? 210CM!!!!!! Why would anyone want a short ski in this class? ;) :D 8-)

Buy it and show us sattelite imagery of the melted snow track from your lightning tour!

Re: Mountain Race 46 - the red one

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 5:37 pm
by lilcliffy
@Musk Ox

Where did your Bentley vs Musclecar vs Bugatti comparison go? I love that rating system.

MT51 was the Bentley?
MR48 was the Musclecar?

Can't remember what the MR46 was...

How about the Gamme 54- did you get one? Is it a Rallycar?