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new ski building resources

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 1:11 pm
by trashcat
Hey all,

I've posted on here (maybe with a little too much pride) my previous ski builds out of steam-bent maple, but this method wasn't without drawbacks:

-rock maple boards are relatively hard to come by in the dimensions that I need them (and quarter-sawn helps!) and processing larger boards down creates a lot of waste.
-It's also a pain to do with the limited space that I have and the limited equipment.
-steam bending has unpredictable bounce-back after the form is released and is prone to cupping with flatsawn lumber.

So I've thought about doing a glue-lam method for a while but was having a hard time finding reasonably priced veneer in the right sizes and did not want to try making my own. Then I came across this website which caters more toward skateboards but could help a bunch of people out if they wanted to go down this route. they sell some larger veneer packs at a reasonable price and they even sell nice vacuum bag kits with a hand pump for a really reasonable price. I feel like I've found exactly what I'm looking for.

Hope this helps someone else with ski building aspirations.