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waxless ski suggestions

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:56 pm
by PatMcMullon
Hi All - I enjoy my E99s (thanks to @lilcliffy for taking a bunch of questions from me on my last search), and while waxing for warm weather still gives me fits on occasion, I enjoy waxing overall and it is great when I get it right.

That said, I'm interested in getting a new pair of waxless skis. I live on the Atlantic coast, and we can get lots of mild weather, snow/rain mix etc. and I'd like to have something I can just grab and go if I'm heading out for a quick (short?) ski at lunch or after work.

I can get a pair of the E99 waxless skis, or whatever the new version is called, but have seen good reviews of the Traverse 78s on here, so am interested in those too - have to go a bit shorter as it seems the new version top out at 196. I could also use the skins I got for my E99s with those as well.

Fischer waxless pattern seems to be well regarded. Anyone have any other suggestions, or thoughts on those fischer options?

Thanks as always for all help and insights.


Re: waxless ski suggestions

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 8:41 pm
by lowangle al
I would consider a single camber ski. It will give variety to your quiver and they should glide well in the conditions you want them for.

Re: waxless ski suggestions

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 9:19 pm
by riel
PatMcMullon wrote:
Mon Sep 27, 2021 7:56 pm
I can get a pair of the E99 waxless skis, or whatever the new version is called, but have seen good reviews of the Traverse 78s on here, so am interested in those too - have to go a bit shorter as it seems the new version top out at 196. I could also use the skins I got for my E99s with those as well.
The Traverse 78 is a fantastic ski. It was my main ski until I got some Asnes Ingstad and Sondre skis. The Traverse 78 might still be more versatile than either.

The camber and flex make it probably the most efficient ski in the OTX lineup. It has good traction, good glide, and turns great.