Fischer Adventure 62 vs Spider 62. Besides metal edges is there any difference?

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Erik H
Posts: 47
Joined: Mon Mar 06, 2023 5:28 pm
Location: Durango, Colorado
Ski style: Resort Tele, Nordic Backcountry/XCD, and skate
Favorite Skis: Fischer Adventure 62
Favorite boots: Salomon NNN combi boots

Fischer Adventure 62 vs Spider 62. Besides metal edges is there any difference?

Post by Erik H » Tue May 09, 2023 7:52 pm

Hello all, over the past two seasons I have been using a pair of Fischer's otx adventure 62 skis. These don't have metal edges. I was wondering if their metal edged counterpart, the otx spider 62 was any different in regards to camber and stiffness or is it the exact same just with metal edges.
Thanks, Erik

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