Which Nordic BC binding to choose?

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Which Nordic BC binding to choose?

Post by lilcliffy » Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:14 pm

Very good UTE magazine (Norwegian) article on Nordic BC bindings:
http://www.utemagasinet.no/Utstyr/GUIDE ... ibindinger

Right-click on the page and "translate to English" (unless you happen to read Norwegian 8-) )

Quote: "boots mean more than binding"

Check out the links to UTE reviews/tests of Nordic BC bindings, boots and skis.
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Re: Which Nordic BC binding to choose?

Post by Woodserson » Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:06 pm

That was a good link, thanks man. No big surprises. Here's an article comparing waxless skis: http://www.utemagasinet.no/Utstyr/Test- ... e-fjellski . I really enjoy how it is almost an apologetic introduction to waxless skis-- man, how I wish we had the consistency of a cold winter with dry snow all season long in NH. I remember perusing a ski shop in just a few years ago in Oslo, and did not find one waxless ski. Best quote: Particularly in eastern area there is skepticism, the Federation warns waxless skis and says "rarely appropriate and can kill the joy of skiing."

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Re: Which Nordic BC binding to choose?

Post by connyro » Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:56 am

I want a pair of the Lundhags Husky 75 mm found on http://www.utemagasinet.no/Utstyr/Sko-deg

That is a great site. Thanks for the link!

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Re: Which Nordic BC binding to choose?

Post by lilcliffy » Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:40 pm

Aren't those Lundhags Husky super cool?!

Man- I wish we had the Nordic equipment that they have in Fennoscandia!
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Re: Which Nordic BC binding to choose?

Post by lilcliffy » Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:43 pm

Woodserson wrote:That was a good link, thanks man. No big surprises. Here's an article comparing waxless skis: http://www.utemagasinet.no/Utstyr/Test- ... e-fjellski . I really enjoy how it is almost an apologetic introduction to waxless skis-- man, how I wish we had the consistency of a cold winter with dry snow all season long in NH. I remember perusing a ski shop in just a few years ago in Oslo, and did not find one waxless ski. Best quote: Particularly in eastern area there is skepticism, the Federation warns waxless skis and says "rarely appropriate and can kill the joy of skiing."
That article made me chuckle.

I wonder if they mean "Russian Federation" when they speak of the "Federation"?
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Re: Which Nordic BC binding to choose?

Post by bgregoire » Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:08 pm

connyro wrote:I want a pair of the Lundhags Husky 75 mm found on http://www.utemagasinet.no/Utstyr/Sko-deg

That is a great site. Thanks for the link!
i looked into those for a while. Unfortunately the sole will not withstand a pin only binding, cables only!
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