Great News For NY Skiers

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Great News For NY Skiers

Post by MikeK » Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:26 am

The APA is entertaining ideas for managing Nordic and Backcountry ski trails as well as Open Woods glades. ... rails.html

What this means:

Current truck trails marked as multi-use trails could be designated as Nordic ski-only trails during the winter. Possibly new ones could be built or designated.

More advanced trails maybe be redesignated Backcountry ski trails and redesigned for skiers rather than hikers and snowshoers.

Open woods would mean hand trimming and maintaining glade areas in the backcountry.

I'm sure it won't fit into some people's narrow view of what skiing is, but in short, if this goes through, it's a big win for skiers in NY, and particularly XCD type skiers.

I've skied one of the 'new' trails that was designated by the state as ski trail. It is a mix old logging rd, hunters trail and ATV trails. It was anything but boring. Lots of ups and downs with technical sections through some very beautiful woods.

The new regulation would allow widening of trails up to 12' in steep section to allow for making turns.

If you are interested in supporting this, please look into APSA and possibly join:

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Occupation: Confused Turn Farmer

Re: Great News For NY Skiers

Post by Woodserson » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:21 am

Thanks for the update on this, Mike

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