Twin Cities Binding Mounting?

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Twin Cities Binding Mounting?

Post by MHag » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:35 am

Does anyone know of a shop in Minneapolis-St. Paul that can mount tele bindings? Hoping to upgrade my current setup and can't do it myself. Midwest Mountaineering doesn't do it anymore and they were pretty much the last place to sell tele gear. I've tried a couple of alpine ski shops but they don't have the right jigs.

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Re: Twin Cities Binding Mounting?

Post by TomH » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:55 am

What binding? Most tele bindings, are pretty easy to use as their own template, otherwise a paper template used with a good marked centerline makes the install pretty damn easy without a jig. If the shop won't do a 'jig-less install, I'd say they're pretty lazy. I know you say you can't, but it really is pretty easy to mount your own skis if you have some basic tools. But if you're not so inclined, I think Joe's mounted up some tele bindings a few years back for a friend.

There's a chance I could help you out if you can't find anything, by my time is really tight with two little kids and a pile of projects.

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Re: Twin Cities Binding Mounting?

Post by connyro » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:27 pm

x2 on mounting yourself. If you don't have the template, you can usually find it online/print it and have at it yourself! Just make sure your printer is set to 100% and NOT 'fit to page';) It's not really hard to get it right: it's just a little intimidating the first time through. Figure out where you want to mount them on the skis, then get the correct size drill bit, measure the depth you need to drill to, mark it with tape on the bit. Get some waterproof glue for the screws (waterproof/exterior wood glue works fine) and take your time. Consider practicing a mount on scrap wood first.

Not sure what bindings you are planning on having mounted, but for reference, here's the link to Voile 3-pin template and instructions:

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Re: Twin Cities Binding Mounting?

Post by Digger » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:21 pm

Pretty sad state of affairs if MWM won't do it. You might also try a shop that does XC gear well. Joe's is good. Hoigaards too. As mentioned before it is pretty easy to do with a paper template. You will want a #3 posi drive screwdriver as a Phillips will slip in the screw heads. Focus on the toe piece placement. Heels don't matter as much.


Re: Twin Cities Binding Mounting?

Post by MikeK » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:42 pm

I was thinking about asking Bri7 to make us a TT 3 pin/NNN jig and we could mail it around to whomever needed it. Too bad it's such a PITA to mail/ship things between Canada and the US.

Aren't most 4 hole Tele bindings a standard pattern as well? See like we could design a drill template up with some kind of centering system.

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Re: Twin Cities Binding Mounting?

Post by TomH » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:00 pm

Unless you're doing a ton of mounts, a jig just isn't worth the cost/bother. Paper templates are plenty easy to use. Find the centerline and mark it, line up paper template and tape in place, center-punch all your holes through the paper, and drill away. Use either waterproof wood glue or slow cure epoxy when you mount the bindings and done.

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Re: Twin Cities Binding Mounting?

Post by MHag » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:19 pm

Thanks all for the responses. I'll give it a whirl.

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