D day!
Re: D day!
Did I hurt racist fee-fees? I'm sure there's a poorly attended hate rally you can join somewhere to make you feel better. Don't forget to leave your mask at home. Arc on!
Re: D day!
Sticks and stones connie......Me thinks you need help with anger management....last comment to you as, frankly, your hate is palpable....Teleman
Re: D day!
Nazi sympathizers and racists should make any American angry. It should never be overlooked and accepted no matter how old and campy the offender is. You have demonstrated time and time again over the course of the last several years that you are a racist. I don't like racists and they make me angry.
Re: D day!
Our own D Day vet on his daily walk. I had an opportunity to speak with Bert. Not hard, he loves to talk. Said he went in with the second wave. His memory was wading in through a red human stew. He got wounded on the 3rd day and after a hospital stay and rehab was sent to Japan as an MP during the Occupation. He said he was the meanest MP in Japan. After the war he was a cop in Chicago. "The meanest cop on the force" he said. Later in his life he found peace and acceptance in religion. Bert was named Citizen of the Year in our little town.

Re: D day!
Thanks wolly12.....There are so many "good" Americans who give more than anybody can fathom....Two of my uncles came from a now gone house up in the Woodbury mountains....No running water and no power....just granite boulders which they split and made monuments out of.....then they went off to war.....It's almost beyond imagination......And.....there were millions of others who did pretty much the same....Thanks again....TM
Re: D day!
Does anyone else see the irony of the resident teleracist banging on about the great sacrifices that ww2 vets made yet he can't even be bothered to temporarily sacrifice a little of his personal freedom to help safeguard those around him from covid19? Anyone?
greatgt wrote: ↑Tue Apr 21, 2020 7:32 am....Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of.....As a MAN and a CITIZEN of this most awesome country....I have fundamental rights some of which crybaby doesn't respect....My religion is the Bill of Rights....The declaration of Independence.....So crybaby shut the f up and leave my religion out of it....