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Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 11:51 pm
by blitzskier
what do you think? good plan B or another trap?
I think most already know Russias' Putin is a servant of Satan, so that answers that. I wonder who is gonna run over there thinking there will be salvation from degeneracy?

Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2024 12:27 am
by Lhartley
Probably a good way to find yourself in the meat grinder, and I have a personal rule against finding myself in a meat grinder.

But, inquiring minds would like to know, what are the best towns with easy access to ski touring?

Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:42 am
by randoskier
He's a dick, and the tiny, under-equipped Ukrainian army has sunk half his Black Sea fleet and inflicted over 580,000 casualties on the Russian army. Russia has not been a super-power since 1972, they are a rapidly fading regional power.

Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2024 11:44 am
by blitzskier
I think Ukraine is nothing more than a practice area for live weapons training and human experiments designed and built by the West in collusion with Russia . anyone who flees for Russia will die badly

Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 4:05 pm
by sharykin
Лучше приезжайте кататься, обычным путём, как нормальные люди. Встретим, всё что можно - покажем. Страна у нас большая, пушистый снег в некоторых местах уже в октябре.

А для тех, кто с недобрыми намерениями к нам соберётся звучит песня группы Iron Maiden: "The Trooper"

Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:21 am
by blitzskier
sharykin wrote:
Thu Aug 29, 2024 4:05 pm
Лучше приезжайте кататься, обычным путём, как нормальные люди. Встретим, всё что можно - покажем. Страна у нас большая, пушистый снег в некоторых местах уже в октябре.

А для тех, кто с недобрыми намерениями к нам соберётся звучит песня группы Iron Maiden: "The Trooper"
our country has fallen to evil rainbow degeneracy... i would love to visit but our for-fathers left Russia for a reason. maybe we cant start over again , but I dont trust UN/NATO. they will turn brothers against brothers. essau edomites are firmly inside russia. until you cleans them out , we can't go back there. We have our own problems to contend with here.

Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2024 4:15 am
by sharykin
The only NATO we accept is the North American Telemark Organization :)

Hope sometimes we can ski together in Siberian, or American deep pow.

Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 3:33 am
by telerat
I would stay far away from Russia, especially if I was an American. They will use any excuse to imprison and use you as leverage against the US. I do not think you will end up in the meat grinder that is Russia's war against Ukraine, as you are far more valuable alive, but the prisons there can also be bad for your health.

We can hope Russia in the future realizes its folly, but when you have rulers willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousand of men to achieve a political goal, then there needs to be a large change before a permanent peace can be achieved. Ukraine is defending itself from Russian aggression and we should do anything we can to help them, but because of Western trepidation it is quite limited. You can not force people to be your friend.

As a small country, NATO is our insurance against Russia. We did not believe that it could be this bad before the Ukraine war though. Devaluing other people was the way WW2, the Rwandan genocide and other wars have started. Any people has value and none should not be oppressed, regardless of beliefs, color, sex or otherwise:

Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:13 am
by blitzskier
tell Putin, we Americans' need more ammunition for our AK's

Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 3:00 pm
by mca80
telerat wrote:
Mon Sep 16, 2024 3:33 am
I would stay far away from Russia, especially if I was an American. They will use any excuse to imprison and use you as leverage against the US. I do not think you will end up in the meat grinder that is Russia's war against Ukraine, as you are far more valuable alive, but the prisons there can also be bad for your health.

We can hope Russia in the future realizes its folly, but when you have rulers willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousand of men to achieve a political goal, then there needs to be a large change before a permanent peace can be achieved. Ukraine is defending itself from Russian aggression and we should do anything we can to help them, but because of Western trepidation it is quite limited. You can not force people to be your friend.

As a small country, NATO is our insurance against Russia. We did not believe that it could be this bad before the Ukraine war though. Devaluing other people was the way WW2, the Rwandan genocide and other wars have started. Any people has value and none should not be oppressed, regardless of beliefs, color, sex or otherwise:
You are a gaslighting fascist piece of shit. How about you look at the EU and USA? And what would you think if Russia set up military bases at YOUR border? And this despite prior pledges of no further eastward NATO expansion. You and people like you are a serious threat to freedom-loving independent thinkers everywhere.