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Steve Jobs interview on Apple 1981

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:06 am
by blitzskier
when I look at Apple products today I get disgusted, I wonder what Steve would think of his current creation..? the worst part of Apple products is the use of App store bullshit!

Re: Steve Jobs interview on Apple 1981

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 12:07 pm
by randoskier
I am not sure why people are so juiced about Steve Jobs, he was no genius. The entire GUI interface (mouse and cursor) was plagiarized by Apple and later Microsoft (Windows) from Xerox Park Labs (Xerox being too dumb to know what they had on their hands).

Jobs was not a visionary (another over-used term in American business), he was simply an appliance salesman, albeit a good one.