Boot Insole Review: Chenna Baree Winter Warmers

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Boot Insole Review: Chenna Baree Winter Warmers

Post by lilcliffy » Wed Feb 20, 2019 3:17 pm

This winter I was given a pair of Chenna Baree "Winter Warmers" insoles:

These were given to me a gift from my dear friends- whose father makes these in Saint John New Brunswick, Canada.
These are beautifully made wool insoles- designed and made by a master shoemaker with expertise in orthopedic footwear.

They are comfortable, supportive, breathable, absorbent, and WARM!

These are the best winter insoles I have ever seen- far better than my red winter superfeet.

Cross-country AND down-hill skiing in the backcountry.
Unashamed to be a "cross-country type" and love skiing down-hill.

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Re: Boot Insole Review: Chenna Bare Winter Warmers

Post by bgregoire » Wed Feb 20, 2019 5:55 pm


I hear they are 1/4 inch throughout. If I recall, you have low volume feet. Do you think these would work for someone with normal volume feet and winter socks in the tele/nordic boots you own?

To you reckon it is easy to shave material off the bottom if required?

Do you think Pink is warmer than Red? I'm sure its FASTER!!!
I live for the Telemark arc....The feeeeeeel.....I ski miles to get to a place where there is guaranteed snow to do the deal....TM

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