This is the World Famous TelemarkTalk / TelemarkTips / Telemark Francais Forum, by far the most dynamic telemark and backcountry skiing discussion board on the world wide web since 1998. East, West, North, South, Canada, US or Europe, Backcountry or not.
This is the World Famous TelemarkTalk / TelemarkTips / Telemark Francais Forum, by far the most dynamic telemark and backcountry skiing discussion board on the world wide web since 1998. East, West, North, South, Canada, US or Europe, Backcountry or not.
Real reviews by real skiers. What a concept! Add your own today. Reviews only please, questions can be posted as replies but new threads looking for opinions should be posted to the main Telemark Talk Forum.
The tip rocker on my 199cm 78 is no more than Connyro's-
As another point of reference the tip rocker on my 199cm 88's is about the same as my 78- MUCH less than your 78 Woods.
It sounds like Master Nordic Ruin's ↑ 88 has as much rocker as Woods' 78...
I may have exaggerated a bit. I dont think mine are as bad as Woods'. Without pulling out the micrometer, I'd say when the ski is depressed, there is about 4 inches of glide zone from where the NR ends to where the crown begins. They glide well enough. Your assessment of this class of ski is spot on. I am primarily using them through densely wooded areas with occasional open(ish) areas to glide through. A significant portion of my time on them is spent snowshoeing up wooded slopes, over fallen logs and short descents through the same. I think I will eventually want to diversify with something like the Gamme and FT, but given my time constraints the 88s work well for skiing in the area available to me.
I am primarily using them through densely wooded areas with occasional open(ish) areas to glide through. A significant portion of my time on them is spent snowshoeing up wooded slopes, over fallen logs and short descents through the same.
Yes, you made a good choice. The 88 is a great ski for this type of skiing you describe with it's extra stability, yet still has good pop-up & go.