B-Tele - Alternative to Telemark (A-Tele)

The ultimate telemark knowledge base and encyclopedia. All you need to know about free-heel skiing. History, technical terms, glossary, how-to's and tips. Just the facts, no opinions. Your #1 place to start for everything tele.
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Location: Middle Park, CO
Ski style: Ski trails uphill, Bcuz every trail here is uphill
Favorite Skis: Fischer SB-98, Rossi Alpineer 86, Fischer Europa 99, Altai Hok, Asnes USGI
Favorite boots: Looked and looked, then found true love - Alaska 75s. TN 75 for DH
Occupation: Transnordic Boot molder
Website: https://www.youtube.com/@KrummholzXCD

B-Tele - Alternative to Telemark (A-Tele)

Post by Krummholz » Sat Mar 30, 2024 6:17 pm

These PDFs were taken from https://www.otr.pxc.jp/~mahoroba/english.htm

The videos are from his YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@telehiro?feature=shared

These PDFs are part of a course given by Telehiro. He developed an alternative style of the Telemark turn focusing on control, especially on steep slopes.

If anyone has suggestions for changes, please DM me and I’ll change this page, to cut down on cruft. Thanks

telehiro's B-tele.pdf
(2.74 MiB) Downloaded 230 times
B-Tele class.pdf
(5.15 MiB) Downloaded 400 times
1st video:

2nd video:

3rd video:

4th video:

5th video:

6th video:

7th video:

8th video:

9th video:
Free Heeler - As in Free Spirit and Free Beer. No $700 pass! No plastic boots! And No Fkn Merlot!

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Re: B-Tele - Alternative to Telemark (A-Tele)

Post by Lhartley » Wed Apr 24, 2024 11:08 am

Pretty interesting clip here as he seems to really over emphasize the technique, the upper body is clearly almost completely static

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Re: B-Tele - Alternative to Telemark (A-Tele)

Post by blitzskier » Thu May 30, 2024 1:13 pm

you guys are amaizing

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