Bindings 101: Where to mount Telemark bindings (Part I)

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Re: Bindings 101: Where to mount Telemark bindings (Part I)

Post by fisheater » Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:27 pm

For a ski of that type boot center on boot center line is probably the best bet. I would bet that would put the ball of foot pretty close to the narrow point of the ski.
Coming from a guy that has every pair of skis I own mounted pins at balance point, after considerable contemplation for a couple pair. I believe your skis would be best boot center on boot center. If you have tip dive problems you can move them back 2-3 cm.

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Re: Bindings 101: Where to mount Telemark bindings (Part I)

Post by randoskier » Sun Mar 12, 2023 5:20 pm

On top

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Re: Bindings 101: Where to mount Telemark bindings (Part I)

Post by phoenix » Sun Mar 26, 2023 9:44 pm

"I bit the bullet and remounted my shift plate and bindings back at least 5cm on the JJs"

Thought I was the only one left around here that moves back a good bit. Took a few tries on my Objectives, but ended up around 4 or 5cm back from boot center. Started concervatively with my Hyper Vectors, but at 3 or 3.5 cm back, feels like that 4-5 might be the sweet spot. For me.

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Re: Bindings 101: Where to mount Telemark bindings (Part I)

Post by fisheater » Mon Mar 27, 2023 9:10 pm

phoenix wrote:
Sun Mar 26, 2023 9:44 pm
"I bit the bullet and remounted my shift plate and bindings back at least 5cm on the JJs"

Thought I was the only one left around here that moves back a good bit. Took a few tries on my Objectives, but ended up around 4 or 5cm back from boot center. Started concervatively with my Hyper Vectors, but at 3 or 3.5 cm back, feels like that 4-5 might be the sweet spot. For me.
I’m a good 3 cm behind the boot center mark on my Tindan. They are mounted on BP. I don’t know if it’s the ideal mounting or not. The ski is as quick edge to edge as I am. I kind of wonder about moving it forward, but if it isn’t broke why fix it?

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Re: Bindings 101: Where to mount Telemark bindings (Part I)

Post by tbroersma » Fri Apr 07, 2023 6:10 pm

Just switched from Soul 7's and 75mm to NTN, Crispi's, and Meidjo 3's with Alpine Heal. 1st mounted them boot center on K2 mindbender 108TI and hated the set up. Got a pair of k2 Reckoner 102's. was thinking about moving them back from Boot center. Any advice. Not sure i get another try with all the holes drilled for the meidjo's. Thanks all.

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Re: Bindings 101: Where to mount Telemark bindings (Part I)

Post by lowangle al » Sat Apr 08, 2023 6:39 am

I like boot center myself. You may need time to adjust to the new boot/binding system before determining if it's the mount you don't like.

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Re: Bindings 101: Where to mount Telemark bindings (Part I)

Post by Montana St Alum » Fri Apr 14, 2023 1:10 pm

tbroersma wrote:
Fri Apr 07, 2023 6:10 pm
Just switched from Soul 7's and 75mm to NTN, Crispi's, and Meidjo 3's with Alpine Heal. 1st mounted them boot center on K2 mindbender 108TI and hated the set up. Got a pair of k2 Reckoner 102's. was thinking about moving them back from Boot center. Any advice. Not sure i get another try with all the holes drilled for the meidjo's. Thanks all.
Different boots, skis, bindings (and maybe mounting point). It's possible any of those factors, or several combined, could cause you to feel as though something is off.

I know some people with big feet like an aft mount, but I have 26.5 feet and boot center over the recommended mounting point is pretty much gospel for me and the way/location I ski. Certainly, if I mounted them with alpine gear (I'm guessing you will ski them with the heels locked down?) there'd be no question!

On the Mindbender, the Factory Recommended Mount Point is (back) -9.55 cm from center; 83.3 cm from tail. So, how far back do you really want them?

As for the Reckoner, Blister played with some mounting points (there are 2 recommended) so maybe this info will help: ... ckoner-102

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Re: Bindings 101: Where to mount Telemark bindings (Part I)

Post by wrussl » Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:06 am

K2 Shuksan as a case study. I just picked up pair of K2 Shuksan skis (2008 I think). They are like new. Stiff and snappy with traditional camber. I plan to use them for front side carvers and skinning up the resort. They have mid-sole marks on them as do my boots. They were mounted pins on balance point which makes sense for back country travel so tips or tails don't drag when lifting them. This position put the boot 2 cm back from recommend line on the ski. The holes were for the same bindings I was going to mount. Attempted to reuse the holes to try out the placement (why not) but got a spinner and didn't trust it. Also, the placement seemed a bit rearward. Moved the bindings 1.5 cm forward which put them about 0.5 cm back from recommended line. My boots 29.5. This looks right and seems about right for having the ball of foot on the center of running surface which is what works for me. However, where exactly is the ball of foot point on a boot? Is it in the center of the bellows or more forward? I think it depends on the boots and the bindings. With leather boots and a neutral binding (old school) you could keep the ball of the foot on the ski. With plastic boots and active bindings especially NTN this is not the case. The point of pressure is more toward the tip of the boot. In such case it would seem to make sense to move the bindings back to get the pressure of the boot on the center of the running surface. Thoughts?

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Re: Bindings 101: Where to mount Telemark bindings (Part I)

Post by phoenix » Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:08 am

I had those same Shuksans,mounted them on chord center (which K2 recommended for their tele line in that era), and they skied perfectly for me there, tele or parallel. I was skiing 'em with T1's or T2's (variously), and with more or less "neutral", progressive flexing cables (7tm Power Tours, BD O3's).

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Re: Bindings 101: Where to mount Telemark bindings (Part I)

Post by Montana St Alum » Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:28 pm

wrussl wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:06 am
In such case it would seem to make sense to move the bindings back to get the pressure of the boot on the center of the running surface. Thoughts?
Short answer: Beats me.
Longer answer: I'd expect that to be the case, if the ski is specifically designed for telemark and the associated forward pressure from boot/binding flex. If they're made for alpine bindings there will be way more forward pressure on the toe of an alpine set up with the stiff boots and heels being held down. If they are specifically designed for telemark, the manufacturer would likely take that pressure into account. I can think of reasons to mount aft, but doing so to compensate for forward pressure isn't one of them. The recommended mounting point is not normally forward anyway on most modern skis. It seems it's often 3-9cm back from center anyway.

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