Mina og meg

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Mina og meg

Post by Jurassien » Sat May 21, 2022 6:52 pm

Not a report on one of my tours, but a heartwarming documentary featuring an adventurous young father, a VERY understanding mother and a remarkable little girl called Mina, two and a half years old at the time. She doesn’t put in an appearance till 04:45, saying goodbye to her mother on the platform of Finse Station. What an adventure for a small child!

Dialogue in Norwegian, English subtitles:

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6’3” / 191cm — 172# / 78kg, size 47 / 30 mondo

Re: Mina og meg

Post by Stephen » Sun May 22, 2022 2:48 pm

I have watched only parts of this so far, but wow — this is so heartwarming!
What a fantastic adventure for both of them.
It would be very interesting to see who she becomes as an adult.
Truly inspirational.

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