What powers your skis?

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Re: What powers your skis?

Post by Raventele » Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:06 am

Today we must go get the turkey! at the store though we are overrun with wild ones in this area!! :lol: :lol:
My neighbour loved to hunt them and eat them..others claim They are tough and you have to get all the bug (including lice) out of them!!!
Guy I am working for/with is off on a big elk hunt this week..He'll bring some sausage to work eventually.. :D
Moose and elk are the best game! Mule deer can be pretty gamey esp. if they are down in the sagebrush country..Whitetail can be good, or stink the whole damned house up..depends.. Bear is the worst unless you really are good at curing and preparing; they are so damned full of fat!
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