Trip Reports, let's get something straight.

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Trip Reports, let's get something straight.

Post by MikeK » Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:33 pm

I'm pretty sure this is common knowledge and an unspoken rule of backcountry skiers, but I'm going to put it out there:

Some people blame the internet for every problem that arises, and some may be actually legitimate. One such thing is people trashing little known areas or 'skiing off' secret stashes. Fragile areas or secret stashes will never be mentioned by yours truly. I won't even post a picture. Let's just get that clear.

It's also not really worth mine, or anyone else's while to post reports about skiing at resorts or Nordic centers. To each his/her own but it does no one any good to report conditions after they have happened at places that can be contacted directly or have websites.

So in short, anything I put out there will be an account of an area that may or may not be skiable in it's present condition and will most likely be something that could be found in a guide book, but also something that won't get skied off. Anything that could be considered rare, fragile, or sensitive will never once come from me. It's not because I don't think people should be out there enjoying it, but because I believe they need to explore elsewhere beyond what may be written in books or on a trip report, and do their hw on the conditions.

Skiing in the wilderness is not something that should be handed to you, it's something you should seek out, if that's what you are after. If you don't like my report or how or where I ski, you can move on to something that interests you more and I'll enjoy knowing I'll never pass you by in those special places. If you love it as much as I do, then I trust you'll respect it, have fun, and be safe.

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Re: Trip Reports, let's get something straight.

Post by Raventele » Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:59 pm

^^ Ya lost yer fkin' mind or are ya just trollin' ? :roll: :roll:
One of the main ideas in TR's is just to let people see something they might find interesting or FUN..It's great to share pix, who gives a shit if they are of a sledding hill, a goff course, a "hidden" stash, SC or the so-holy "BC" or the resorts ( and Fk all that anti-resort bullshit snobbery! ) -- specially when the chances may well be that those viewing the TR's will never get there! Who appointed you the god of all TR's ?
Speaking for myself, I want to see TR's of any skiing -- which includes your stomping around on meadows..
And yea, does no good to report on conditions that have happened ..which includes 30 seconds ago, and especially when conditions are expected to persist a few days or longer.. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Trip Reports, let's get something straight.

Post by Raventele » Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:25 pm

"Everyone is helpful, everyone is kind, on the road to Shambala"


Re: Trip Reports, let's get something straight.

Post by MikeK » Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:55 pm

I think we need more trip reports about cheese.

If you point out every skiable hill or glade there will be 10 dude-bro's stompin' in on black diamond skis yo-yoing it until it is nothing but twigs and rocks every time there is a fresh snow. Certain people have been furious with others for posting videos of 'secret' areas that have then become not so secret and overrun with hordes of powder hounds.

Trails into the wilderness are gates - there is much land beyond them... that's all I'm saying. Even a seemingly benign trail may have some exciting side trips.

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Re: Trip Reports, let's get something straight.

Post by Raventele » Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:00 pm

^^ Meh,
Peope are generally so lazy or incapable or scared they do not even find the good EZ SC around here..even if they know where it is , they don't go..True of every little or big resort area around here.. :lol:
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Re: Trip Reports, let's get something straight.

Post by Teleman » Tue Jan 13, 2015 7:45 am

Bet in the 40 years of BC skiing have met less than 10 people out there....People tend to stick where Guide books take them....or near resorts....That's why when I see some tracks, (rare) I'd like to meet them....Definitely a kindred spirit....Personally I enjoy reading what people are doing, what they are riding. General area is good enough for me...As we get older we tend to go to places where the snow is deep and light.....but that reduces time spent exploring...We need to do more cruising getting older should NOT be an excuse...TM


Re: Trip Reports, let's get something straight.

Post by MikeK » Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:59 am

Tman - I hope you understand what I'm saying. If for some reason you started posting more detailed info of where you ski, then you might have more than 10 visitors. Lot's of people cruise the internet - much more than post anything.

I don't find anything wrong with posting trip reports, but I've yet to see anyone divulge any sensitive information - and don't expect any less from me. Most likely what you'll ever get from me are public trails that anyone could find out about with a minimal amount of searching. If you choose to venture off them and look form something else, that is your own adventure.

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Re: Trip Reports, let's get something straight.

Post by Raventele » Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:39 am

We have you now, Bruce!
You went too far with your pix this time!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Last edited by Raventele on Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Everyone is helpful, everyone is kind, on the road to Shambala"


Re: Trip Reports, let's get something straight.

Post by MikeK » Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:47 am

Keep up the good work Van Gogh...


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