The snow thermometer measured 30 degrees so I went with the Swix Special Violet. It gave me great grip even as the temperature fell in spots that had received shade, or went up in spots that were exposed. It was cloudy, as I said, but we'd had a lot of sun and warm weather. I could detect quite small changes in snow temperature as the grip changed, sometimes piling up snow and at others forcing better (and more complete) weight transfer. In either case the wax worked well requiring alternately a little scrubbing or a little better transfer. There were a few times that it dragged on a slight descent but I could always scrub the snow off with a bit more pressure on that ski - usually the left one.
My question is, should I have gone with the Blue Extra? Piling up is usually a sign that the wax is a little warm for the snow and it prevented the kick and glide I prefer but it was all gentle uphill so not as big a problem. I thought about changing but the Special Violet was getting the job done pretty well, and caused no issues on the gentle descent. What's the protocol at the initial waxing, go a little warmer than the thermometer or a little cooler?
Had a great ski then fell really hard back in the parking lot on a sheet of crystal clear ice under an inch of powder. Really hard. Filled a skin bag with snow and iced my elbow all the way home. Pretty sore elbow and shoulder today but I think I'll be out again tomorrow.