New G3 XCD skis

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Re: New G3 XCD skis

Post by MikeK » Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:52 am

LoveJohnny wrote:
Next Question: Who has $600 CAD to try a pair?
Socal ATers? Engineers?

I spent all my loot on canoes and bikes ;)

Better get fixin' some computers my friend ;) Hey... that kinda sounds like engineering :ugeek:

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Re: New G3 XCD skis

Post by lilcliffy » Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:27 am

The profile and flex are very similar to the S-112 and only slightly wider than the Annum/Guide. All three of them have the same waist. They are all single cambered, with at least a slightly rockered tip (The Stinger may have more rocker in the tip).

The Stinger has a wider tail, giving it a true parabolic profile- enabling the shorter turning radius. This makes the biggest difference on a dense base- when the ski is carving.

The profile of the Stinger would make it squirrelly as a xcountry ski- there is no way it is going to track like a Guide/Annum when K&G touring.

That seems like a very big price to me- especially compared to the Annum. I suppose the Stinger is strong enough to put AT bindings on it....oooooh! :roll:

If I was going to spend that kind of money I would definitely go for the Vector BC. :D
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