What Happened???

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Re: What Happened???

Post by JohnSKepler » Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:47 pm

RandomDude wrote:
Wed Jul 24, 2024 7:39 pm
wooley12 wrote:
Wed Jul 24, 2024 10:59 am
His books for sale in the US of A

https://www.google.com/search?q=Alexand ... s-wiz-serp
This is hilarious (except it ain’t).
Love it when the far-right whines that the far-left is trying to restrict their freedoms (uncle Joe wont let me buy Dugan’s books in ‘merica), when, in reality … You can. I’d be surprised if 1/2 the far-righters have the processing power to follow Dugan’s thought processes — whether you like him or not, it’s some deep thinking.
But, but, isn’t it the far-right that wants to keep us from reading certain books by taking them out of libraries (but I guess they feel justified in protecting all of us from “wokeness”).
The whole hot mess is a tragic joke on humanity…
Wake me up when we get to the Matrix stop so I can crawl into my comfy non-human dream shell…
The definition of a linear political spectrum, defined by French Revolutionists in the late 18th Century (grinding their very large axe), is woefully inadequate for any kind of serious or thoughtful discussion; e.g., "...I’d be surprised if 1/2 the far-righters..." I wonder if even 1/2 of those repeating such statements, on either side, have the processing power to understand that they are engaging in logical fallacies? Depending on who you talk to I'm a ultra-right religious whack job because I go to Church or I get lumped in as a tree-hugging weirdo because I'm big on supporting habitat for native animal species. Of course political language is taught to those vulnerable to this kind of indoctrination because it is so effective in promulgating the polarization that sustains the status quo for the ultra-rich who actually control our lives (and, now I'm a commie.) Who knew telling the truth could get you in so much trouble? Oh, that'd be Jesus. (Yes, gun-toting religious freak.) Talk about full circle from the enlightenment!

Regardless I'm with @fisheater; the fact that Dugin's books are hard to find in the US makes them very appealing. If we're honest with ourselves and take a moment to consider that various world views can both be different and defensible at the same time, nearly every country can make some kind of claim to be the source of moral authority (and most do!) Keeping in mind that defensible doesn't mean right, only that those who subscribe usually have logical reasons for doing so, 'logical' being thought taking one from A to B and hence from B to C and so on. The problem is that many don't take the time to determine if, in fact, A, B, C down to Z are themselves defensible!
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Re: What Happened???

Post by Lhartley » Thu Jul 25, 2024 5:42 pm

I always find it funny when people talk about right wingers "banning" shit. In Canada here, our left wing news outlets are banned on left wing social media providers because of a left wing government. Wtf. Either I live in the twilight zone, or there is certainly some logical fallacies at work in this thread

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Re: What Happened???

Post by riel » Thu Jul 25, 2024 9:13 pm

fisheater wrote:
Wed Jul 24, 2024 8:11 am
I will need to read Alexander Dugan. The fact his writing is not available in the USA makes his writing more desirable to me.
The more you read about (or from) him, the less desirable he will be.

He wants to restore the Russian empire, wipe out the Ukrainian and Georgian cultures, and advocates for the use of nuclear weapons.

His anti-capitalist thinking is tame by comparison.

I'm not sure what his appeal is.

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Re: What Happened???

Post by JohnSKepler » Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:55 am

riel wrote:
Thu Jul 25, 2024 9:13 pm
fisheater wrote:
Wed Jul 24, 2024 8:11 am
I will need to read Alexander Dugan. The fact his writing is not available in the USA makes his writing more desirable to me.
The more you read about (or from) him, the less desirable he will be.

He wants to restore the Russian empire, wipe out the Ukrainian and Georgian cultures, and advocates for the use of nuclear weapons.

His anti-capitalist thinking is tame by comparison.

I'm not sure what his appeal is.
Saying I want to learn about something doesn't mean I want to adopt it. I enjoy reading history because we can learn a lot from those who lived before. I find ancient Sumer interesting but I don't want a generational monarchy. I find Alexander the Great fascinating but I'm not interested in a king. Likewise, while I prefer the "American" worldview I'm able to admit that it isn't the only worldview and learning about what others think and why can often improve my thinking if only by casting it in stark relief. There is even valuable information in Mein Kampf if only because we see that those who voted the Nazis into power had no excuse since their thinking had already been revealed. Maybe they'd all been told that reading it was a waste of time.
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Re: What Happened???

Post by Musk Ox » Sat Jul 27, 2024 10:52 am

I think everyone should be able to read whatever they want, and all that, and I'm kiiiind of allergic to discussing politics on the internet, but Aleksandr Dugin is one of the most awful people living. He's an actual, literal, genuine fascist who wants a hyper-nationalist Slavic empire (literally... like actually), and it's his philosophy that's seen all this bloodshed in Ukraine. He's a really, really bad man who believes awful, racist things and I have to admit I'm kind of... taken aback to see him being discussed as 'just another thinker' so easily here.
Last edited by Musk Ox on Sat Jul 27, 2024 12:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: What Happened???

Post by blitzskier » Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:06 am

Lhartley wrote:
Thu Jul 25, 2024 5:42 pm
I always find it funny when people talk about right wingers "banning" shit. In Canada here, our left wing news outlets are banned on left wing social media providers because of a left wing government. Wtf. Either I live in the twilight zone, or there is certainly some logical fallacies at work in this thread
more like the rainbow-twilight zone, both the left and the right are in on your mind F***king
you might like this one, its a bit long but worth watching.... he's got lots of content that clears the air IMO



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Re: What Happened???

Post by wooley12 » Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:30 pm

Jumped in at 30 min mark and watched a little. Are his racist generalities a theme or did I watch the wrong 3 minutes?

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Re: What Happened???

Post by Musk Ox » Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:16 am

wooley12 wrote:
Sun Jul 28, 2024 10:30 pm
Jumped in at 30 min mark and watched a little. Are his racist generalities a theme or did I watch the wrong 3 minutes?
No. he's a fascist, doing fascist things. They're called 'Nazbols'.


They really ran with the whole national 'socialist' thing as far right as they could in the Russian context.

This conversation has no place on this forum, to be honest, it's the kind of thing that ruins the vibe. I really like snow. I will fall down in the snow with anyone apart from a genuine fascist. The moment this door opens it's a matter of seconds before we're discussing whether some edgy individual's right to free speech is more important than our right to talk about wax with peace of mind. I hate this stuff so much.

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Re: What Happened???

Post by JohnSKepler » Mon Jul 29, 2024 12:06 pm

Interesting range of opinions. I'd never heard of the guy until running across him here. Now I'm even more interested simply from a curiosity standpoint. Given the way terms like 'fascist' and 'racist' are used nowadays, and the way both Leftists and Conservatives are described by Left and Right media, respectively, I'm left almost needing to delve a little deeper simply to hear for myself what he's saying. I will say I've read "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" and it isn't because I'm a fascist or because I am a fan of Herr Hitler. I would say that understanding Russia is important right now and if this guy represents the soul of Russia, it might be a good place to start.
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Re: What Happened???

Post by Stephen » Mon Jul 29, 2024 1:45 pm

Not criticizing your curiosity, but at the risk of over-simplification, I imagine the “Soul of Russia,” as a country of ordinary people, is most interested in the things that most ordinary people are interested in: food, security, stability, freedom from oppression — those sort of things.
As for the “Soul of Russia” as a political entity, probably similar to most tribes when in proximity to other cultures that may seem threatening: defense of the social organism.
As the world becomes more and more populated, and social units are pressed together more closely, and competition for resources intensifies, and technology advances as it has — the world ends up where we are in these times.

Seems like it takes something extraordinary to choose to live in peace, rather than revert to some form of violence.

What I find fascinating is the question: What is the outer edge of our infinitely large universe expanding into?

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