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This is the World Famous TelemarkTalk / TelemarkTips / Telemark Francais Forum, by far the most dynamic telemark and backcountry skiing discussion board on the world wide web since 1998. East, West, North, South, Canada, US or Europe, Backcountry or not.
This is the World Famous TelemarkTalk / TelemarkTips Forum, by far the most dynamic telemark and backcountry skiing discussion board on the world wide web. We have fun here, come on in and be a part of it.
@blitzskier I’m also scheming about a portable rope tow. Saw the ZOA pl1, and the ReWinch but didn’t want to spend that much. Working on something cordless drill powered. I think it’s doable judging by the performance of drill powered rope ascenders (400m ascent on a 5ah battery, similar vertical speed to brisk walk up 30% hill)
i looked at the ZOA pl1.. interesting product but it seems overly engineered and over priced, i think there are simpler options and keep cost to about $200 , still researching and looking at other junkyard parts options. I do have an old f3j glider winch, made from an old Ford starter on a gian 2000ft spool . I really don't want to bring it back with me after I mount it up there, cause its heavy as a mutha fudda. i will have to discuss with the Sherriff/search and rescue guys if they'll let me leave it in the cabin or up in the trees throughout the year.
or an 18volt cordless drill with a fixed spool and a supprt handle might also work. the question is whats a strong cheap line I can used to drive the spool along the length of the line? i cant imagine the angle of rise will exceed 15 degrees along a slope
Paracord is best value, but I think a bit stretchy. I’m gonna try 3/16 solid braid polyester. Slight weight penalty, but I think it’ll be less stretch and better grip. My idea is something like the Zoa, but only one or two sheaves, with more agressive grip.
Backup plan is build something with a loop of rope and stationary motor. Figure I could scale down the rewinch a lot. I don’t need 12kw/16hp. Figure 3/4hp is plenty for the speed I’m after. Would use hollow braid for a loop since it splices easy.