Free entry into Russia for Westerners

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Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Post by blitzskier » Thu Sep 26, 2024 12:37 am

telerat wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2024 12:11 pm
blitzskier wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2024 11:07 am
disprove my rabbit hole...
I can not do that, only you can open your eyes.

And none of your reasons except 4 would be a reason for Russia's invasion, unless they strangely want to protect the west. Its all poppycock though, but Number 4 touches on it, as Russians learning about Ukrainian's freedom could destabilize Russia.
with the large amount of lies in our history books , fed to us by our government, I sometimes wonder if Russian' leadership is actually under the control of NATO. Russia could possibly be a puppet "bad guy/bad cop" to bring forth the NATO "good guy/ good cop" to save the world from destruction and loss of control.. keep extorting NATO countries for tax dollars to support more weapons manufactuering.

i feel this way from the clear distruction of the Russian country durring the cold war, and the Germans occupied key parts of Russia back in the 1940's and whooped ass pushing Russian forces out of the Capitol. quite possible placing thier own puppets in possition for the future, I know the history that the winter kicked the Germans' ass by not having good preparation, sabatougue by higher ups in millitary and poor support teams the deeper they went in to Russia, but I'm starting to look at the world from different angles . Our educators/media, tell us so much proven bullshit because they're on the payroll of the MIllitary and banksters that own the Earth we stand on. I thus conclude until proven differently Putin is NATO, taking out his own toughest millitary leaders and wasting resources on this Ukraine BS war. all the while a much larger global war is coming for the last tough guys standing in RUssia, until it succombs to the NATO onslaught

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Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Post by mca80 » Thu Sep 26, 2024 8:39 am

telerat wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2024 12:11 pm
blitzskier wrote:
Tue Sep 24, 2024 11:07 am
disprove my rabbit hole...
I can not do that, only you can open your eyes.

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Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Post by randoskier » Thu Sep 26, 2024 8:56 am

Read- "Live. Fight. Survive.: An ex-British soldier’s account of courage, resistance and defiance fighting for Ukraine against Russia" by Shaun Pinner (who's wife is Ukrainian), a pow who was exchanged from Russia during a swap.

You will see quickly see how sadistic and lawless Russians really are. Both the pro FSB torturers, and the sadistic local goon squads. It is a sick culture. Borders on sub-human.

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Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Post by randoskier » Thu Sep 26, 2024 9:14 am

mca80 wrote:
Tue Sep 17, 2024 3:00 pm
You are a gaslighting fascist piece of shit. How about you look at the EU and USA? And what would you think if Russia set up military bases at YOUR border? And this despite prior pledges of no further eastward NATO expansion. You and people like you are a serious threat to freedom-loving independent thinkers everywhere.

You are a moron and you are the one who is a fascist not Telerat. You are a Putin apologist and a coward. There has never been any pledge not to expand NATO in any direction. It is a defensive alliance and any democracy in Europe can apply to join it- Ukraine started those discussions with NATO in 1991.

Russia at YOUR borders??? You mean like this- ... rcna171819
Who cares? They are inept.

The US Military is not afraid of Russia, Russia is not a Superpower it is a declining Regional Power. Their Army and Air Force fighting in Ukraine haveproven to be a dark cosmic-joke...totally inept and corrupt, bogged down in a quagmire with a much smaller army. Their best unit was the mercenaries lead by a hotdog salesman but he is dead now and the mercs all left post haste.

All you can do is repeat Russian propaganda verbatim. Putin is scared shitless of the NATO alliance and the US. You sound like a Michigan Republican coward, just like that dipshit Trump (the bone-spur brigade). Russia making you wet your pants? Take a deep breath, stop shaking, wipe those tears. Not quite "greatest generation" stuff up your way.

Ukraine will win the war and drive the Russian invaders back into Russia where they can live in poverty. Russia's economy (before the sanctions!) is smaller than Italy's. Italy's!!

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Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Post by Capercaillie » Thu Sep 26, 2024 3:23 pm

telerat wrote:
Wed Sep 18, 2024 7:26 pm
The West is holding Ukraine to higher standard, so they seem to be cleaning up much dirt.
Only if by "cleaning up dirt" you mean sending neo-Nazis on trips to Disney World:

Azov neo-Nazi Ihor Halushka receiving an award from celebrity US comedian Jon Steward at Disney World in August 2022.

white house nazi.jpg
Azov neo-Nazi Yuliia Paievska receiving an award from Antony Blinken and Jill Biden at the White House in March 2023.

During the award ceremony, Haluskha is wearing an elbow sleeve on his left arm in an attempt to conceal his white power tattoo. At least Paievska was smart enough to wear a jacket.

The idea that Ukraine had any legitimate elections since 2014 when 15% of the Ukrainian population was disenfranchised (7 million people in Crimea, Donestk People's Republic, and Lugansk People's Republic) is ridiculous. But given that the standard of "American democracy" is Juan Guaido climbing over the Venezuelan parliament fence to declare himself supreme leader, I guess this is indeed "very democratic."

Note that this is the same reason why the 2022 referendums in Donetsk, Kherson, Lugansk and Zaporizhzhia were illegitimate (Ukrainians who had evacuated could not vote). I have never seen this obvious fact mentioned in US or Canadian media. Instead, media reports only put forth allegations of vote tampering, provided without any evidence (because there is none - the actual voting process having been thoroughly vetted by international observers; this is unlike the very real and documented vote ballot tampering that took place in the 2000 US presidential election). The point of US media propaganda is not to report the truth. It is to condition readers to believe whatever is being told. Lies about vote tampering are very valuable in this regard, because now any election results the US empire does not like can be dismissed by just mentioning the phrase "vote tampering," and media audiences are conditioned to believe the phrase. This goes for domestic elections as well. Vague allegations of illegitimate elections is the same disinformation tactic that was used by the Hillary campaign to attempt to delegitimize the 2016 US presidential election.

The second obvious reason why Ukraine has had no legitimate elections since 2014 (and arguably since before the first US-orchestrated color revolution in 2004) is the massive, continuous foreign interference in Ukrainian politics by USAID, National Endowment for Democracy, International Republican Institute, National Democratic Institute, as well as a myriad NGOs funded by money laundered through private foundations.

The Zelensky regime has banned 19 political parties, and imprisoned hundreds if not thousands of political prisoners (one of the more prominent ones is Bogdan Syrotiuk ... -proxy-war).

Gonzalo Lira was a citizen of Ukraine's largest ally, the United States. Lira criticized the corruption and criminality of the Zelensky regime, which apparently counts as "justifying Russian aggression against Ukraine" according to Ukrainian prosecutors. In any normal country, he would have been deported back to the United States, and that would have been that. Instead, Lira was held in pre-trial detention for a total of almost 7 months, during which he was physically tortured in an attempt to extort money (I doubt Lira wanted to serve as a personal example of corruption in Ukraine) and denied medication for his chronic health condition (medical neglect is also a form of torture), as a result of which he died. The United States consulate failed to aid him; this could only have been a deliberate decision.

You seem to be very naive about the real lives of people in the US. People in the US do not "believe" that the government is suppressing them - they have real daily experience of harassment, violence, and wrongful imprisonment (including prison slave labor) by US law enforcement and intelligence agencies. For better or worse, I have lived in the US for many years of my life, and met some of these people. I don't have any illusions left about the reality of US domestic and foreign policy.

The US helped establish Saddam as dictator during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war. When you say "even though Saddam was a bad ruler and the Iraqi people deserved better" you are, knowingly or unknowingly, parroting US propaganda "humanitarian intervention" lies used to try to justify the US's brutal, unprovoked invasion of Iraq. If you think "this time, it is different, the US government is really telling the truth and supporting the good guys," look at history. The pattern is the same: the United States is waging a proxy war, training and equipping the most violent sociopaths into terrorist death squad militias, in an attempt to destabilize other countries, install organized crime rings into positions of power, steal natural resources, and provide US military contractors with more opportunities to embezzle US taxpayer funds.

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Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Post by wooley12 » Thu Sep 26, 2024 8:30 pm

Yuliia Paievska. Nazi? :lol: So the Russians say.

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Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Post by Lhartley » Thu Sep 26, 2024 9:29 pm

I don't known what's real and whats not, but there is some crazy shit online about the events that happened during her escape attempt from Mariopul. All of which sounded very insane. And then I read this:

"She believes the children made it to safety. She avoids disclosing details about that day for reasons she said she couldn’t fully explain." Why can't she explain that? Must be an incredible story and valuable to the media. Guess we have to wait for her book ... 40055c6b4b

There's more to her story then how she's portrayed in western media. There's no doubt about it. I mean, I know a lot of people in medicine and absolutely zero of them are chain smokers. Sure she's probably seen some shit but....

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Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Post by blitzskier » Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:11 am

Putins friendship with WEF leader Klause Schwab. Putin is a NAto bot

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Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Post by blitzskier » Fri Sep 27, 2024 1:14 am

Lhartley wrote:
Thu Sep 26, 2024 9:29 pm
I don't known what's real and whats not, but there is some crazy shit online about the events that happened during her escape attempt from Mariopul. All of which sounded very insane. And then I read this:

usually the more insane the story, its probably staged BS , and she's most likely an actress

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Re: Free entry into Russia for Westerners

Post by mca80 » Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:13 am

randoskier wrote:
Thu Sep 26, 2024 9:14 am
You are a moron and you are the one who is a fascist
No, you are! :roll: :lol:

Excellent post @Capercaillie, as you can see I don't put the same time and effort into my replies.

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